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Facebook page visbility : 4 ways to improve it

Generally, your first priority for web content is to capture the attention of the right audience.

May 31, 2021

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How can you enhance the visibility of your Facebook page?

When it comes to boosting your Facebook profile and presence for better audience engagement and increased visibility, it’s crucial to target the right users to boost sales and gain industry recognition. Despite the challenges in attracting visitors to your Facebook page, there are four key strategies you can implement for improved Facebook optimization:

1. Ensuring your profile is well-rounded, featuring a profile image that represents your company, and filling out the “About” section with relevant keywords.
2. Choosing an eye-catching cover/banner for your Facebook page to make a strong impression on visitors.
3. Optimizing SEO by strategically placing keywords throughout your page and updating the URL to include your company name.
4. Posting content at peak Facebook traffic times to maximize visibility.

By following these initiatives, you can enhance your Facebook presence and seek support from experts when facing challenges with Facebook optimization.

Generally, your first priority for web content is to capture the attention of the right audience. It’s not unheard of to see businesses pull out all the stops to promote their website. The same goes for Facebook. How do you boost your Facebook profile and presence? First, let’s consider the benefits to this approach:


Boosting your Facebook profile offers a number of benefits. The right content for the right user can result in greater sales. With more targeted subscribers, your products will be shared, liked… or even purchased! Greater visibility means you can measure yourself against industry benchmarks. That’s how you gain recognition!

However, even with all your best efforts, attracting visitors to your Facebook page can be an uphill climb. Here are 4 initiatives that you can implement today:

#1: A well-rounded profile

A good first impression is crucial to gaining trust. You need a profile image that reflects your company. Facebook pages usually bear a corporate logo. Optimal image size is 180 pixels x 180 pixels. 

The next step is to complete the “About” section to make sure you quickly grab attention. You can use the company’s slogan or a short description of the company’s business activity, with carefully chosen keywords which should appear in a search.

#2: The Right Cover

Always be sure to take great care when selecting your Facebook page banner (or cover), as it’s the first point of contact between visitors and your company. Banners are ideal for showcasing new products, photos or future events. You should see it as your corporate advertisement banner. It really makes a difference!

#3: Optimize your SEO

Google’s SEO optimization is extremely valuable when it comes to maximizing Facebook visibility. You can position the most relevant keywords throughout your page (short description, long description, mission, etc.) and further improve SEO by changing the URL of the page to include the company name.

#4: The right time to publish

Are you given to posting a lot of content, whenever you feel like it? That’s not the best strategy! You’ll get better results during peak Facebook traffic (Monday to Friday, from 12:00 to 3:00 pm and Saturday to Sunday, between 12:00 and 1:00). Publishing at the right time can increase Facebook visibility, but captivating content is no longer enough! 

Is Facebook optimization still stressing you out? We can help! Contact our team of experts today!

Passionné de marketing numérique depuis 2012, Taï Dileuth s’est spécialisé en marketing de référencement payant (Google Ads) afin d’aider les entreprises à développer des produits ou services à forte valeur ajoutée. Aujourd’hui c’est avec le challenge d’accompagner des clients sur Google et Facebook qu’il fait partie de l’équipe Turko Marketing.