Turko Marketing

Turko fusionne avec Rablablire plus

The impact of COVID-19 on the digital marketing industry in Quebec

A study in progress to understand the impact that COVID-19 has on the digital marketing industry in Quebec. Participate now.

avril 6, 2021

Table des matières

Consultation gratuite

Table des matières

Survey (Google Form)


There is no doubt that COVID-19 affects us all and hinders commercial activity. It is in times of uncertainty that we must rely on our adaptability in business.

In order to know and share information related to the impact of COVID-19 on the digital marketing industry, please help us by filling this survey which will take you approximately 1 minute to complete.

Thank you for your cooperation and do not hesitate to share the survey link (see below) in order to increase participation.

The results will be shared in May 2020 on this same page.

Survey (Google Form)

Passionné de référencement et de marketing numérique depuis 2004, Rémi Turcotte est un spécialiste du marketing numérique et fondateur basé à Montréal (Canada). Il a lancé Turko Marketing en 2015, une agence de marketing numérique qui se concentre sur la gestion du référencement, de Google Ads et de Facebook Ads.


Rablab, une agence de marketing numérique spécialisée dans les moteurs de recherche, vient d’annoncer l’acquisition de Turko Marketing.